Websites and Small Businesses

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In todays day and age, being online is essential for anyone or any business that is trying to reach out to meet people. Frankly, if your not online than you are not able to get in touch with anyone these days. In this post im going to be discussing why being online is essential for small businesses.

Online Presence

As I explained before being online has become a necessity for business. When a person wants to visit a store they dont look through a paper or drive around to look at the stores around, they go on their phone and look up shops that are selling the thing that they are looking for. So when your not online your missing out on the majority of shoppers, which is not good for your business.

Credibility and Accessibility

Credibility and trust that is made by having a website, especially a good looking one. When someone sees a good looking website their initial impression on your business is positive since even though they aren’t in your physical location, they are still getting a peek of what they could have, and if the website looks professional then they will think your product that you are selling is also good. This increases the chances of a person going back to your business just because their first impression of you is so good.

There is the accessibility that is made, as a business might not be open 24/7, but a website will also be there for anyone to look at. This lets people still learn about your business while it might be closed. This lets people who might not have time to visit your physical location still look at what you might be selling and how it could help them. In turn, your brand reaches more people and you get more potential customers.

Advertising with your website

Having a website is a very cost effective way to advertise your business and what you are selling. This is because compared to other forms of advertising, like a newspaper or a roadside billboard, it can reach much more people as a website can be seen by anyone, while those options are only seen by few, along with that physical advertising is falling out of favor as newspapers don’t get read by anyone these days and billboards aren’t looked at by drivers. Along with that they could be much more expensive than setting up a website as you’d have to buy a space on a billboard or newspaper, and on a newspaper your most likely going to have to pay for your brand to be noticeable in it. And to add onto that your going to have to keep buying spaces on them as the owners of the newspaper or billboard most likely going to be cycling out the image being displayed for someone else’s brand if you wont pay more. Compare all of that to a website, which you only need to make once which saves on costs, and it reaches more people compared to the other two which brings in more consumers, and all together you get a pretty good picture of why having a website is so important.